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art direction + design:artless inc.

art direction + design:core ad international

art direction + design:artless inc.

Tadashi Ura  - gleamix -
2006年より墨閃会代表/水墨画家 土屋秋恆氏に師事し水墨画を学ぶ。2011年第16回総合水墨画展・入賞。
現在屋号をgleamix (グリーミックス)と称し、フリーイラストレーター・ウラタダシ と画家・浦正として活動中。墨閃会会員/準師範

< profile >
Tadashi Ura is an Illustrator and artist from Japan. He was born in Nagasaki, Japan in 1972. He started his career in Tokyo from 1994 after graduated from  the Japan Design School in Kyushu branch and works for  mostly advertising, magazine and web.
He became a freelance illustrator in 2002 and since 2007, started to receive awards in the commercial sector in Japan, which were the good design award, the TIAA award, also several Illustration or art's awards.
He has been learning about a  Japanese ink and wash painting, is called "Suibokuga " from the master of Suibokuga artist, Shukou Tsuchiya, since 2006. He exhibited his artwork or did  live drawing of Suibokuga in Japan and USA. His inspirations come from everyday life and his style is mixed with Japanese traditional artwork and a modern twist.

Exhibition / Live Drawing
2001 artless cafe / 2002 artless cafe / 2005 9.1pt
2005 null*in Kyoto / null*in Shibuya
2006 null*in Sapporo / null*in Osaka / null*in Nagoya / null*in Tokyo
2007 null*in Tokyo / null*in Singapore
2008 .11.5~11.16 SOSEKI展
2010.11.30~12.5 初個展「素・観」
2010.12.4 Live Drawing in Shibuya
2011.4.17 Live Drawing in FutakoTamagawa
2011.8 総合水墨画展@国立新美術館
2011.8 Images 35 in London
2011.10.6~10.30 Compound Gallery [JAPANISM]
2011.10.6 Live Drawing in Portland
2011.10.21 Live Drawing in Fukuoka
2012.4.3~4.8 「和楽時代画展」東京銀座バートックギャラリー
2012.11.4 Live Drawing in Iwate
2013.3.7~3.31"Transparent Truths" Compound Gallery in Portland
2013.6.7 "logram relaunch party" Live Drawing in Daikanyama

○2011年8月 全国公募第16回総合水墨画展入賞
○2010年10月 Images 35入選
「 Association of Illustrators' Images 35 competition -Best of British illustration 2011- 」
tadaya website
  2007年度 グッドデザイン賞 コミュニケーションデザイン部門入賞
  2007年度 TIAA サイト部門入賞
  2007年度 グッドデザイン賞 コミュニケーションデザイン部門入賞
  2008年度 TIAA サイト部門入賞
Economics - The art of sustainable business -
  2008年度 IAAJ 日本BtoB広告賞 特別賞受賞
Herman Miller - Miller chair site
  2004年度 Good Design Award 受賞
beacon communications k.k corporate site
  2004年度 Good Design Award 受賞

Compound Gallery /アートワーク発売
iichi / アートワーク販売中
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